Create a new Organization

Step by step on how to create a new Organization

1. When you open the app, you will see a bottom menu bar that displays various icons. One of them is the "Organizations" icon, which allows you to view the existing organizations or add a new one.

  1. Under the "Organization" section, you can view the list of organizations that have already been created. In case you want to create a new organization, you should search for the "+ Add organization" button. Once you click this button, you will be directed to the organization creation mode.

  1. After initiating the addition of a new organization it's crucial that you provide accurate and comprehensive details to ensure that your organization is represented correctly within the system.

4. Once you've filled out all the required fields about your organization, click the "Submit" button to store all the information you've inputted. Consequently, your new organization will be officially incorporated into your DTM account.

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